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Prevent Boring Parties!

Creamer McCord 2012 004

Henry Carlyle stuns the stunning Paula Creamer of the LPGA golf tour.


  • A one-man comedy mind reading show


  • Full of unforgettable demonstrations.


  • Highly interactive, very funny, and mind-blowing!


  • Unique blend of mental illusions and sleight of hand


  • Customized to fit the specific needs of your function.


  • Perfect for business, private parties, country clubs



A sensation in the New York City area! Henry Carlyle performs an incredible stand-up mind reading show. This is a fast moving show that features mind reading and mental illusions with a comedy touch. It’s a fun, interactive show with lots of audience participation and lots of laughs. Pull a dollar bill out of your pocket, Henry reveals the serial number! Take a book into the corner and pick any page and any word…Henry reveals that word. In his magic act, he picks your pocket, in this great show, he picks your brain… WITH HIS MIND! The act is totally clean, there is no off color material that would reflect negatively on you or your event. There are no crazy outfits, no live animals, and no clown noses.  It’s perfect for upscale parties, country clubs and the corporate audience.  So, why not offer something different, some real entertainment that your guests will talk about for weeks after the show? Offer the comedy mind reader show of Henry Carlyle.  Watch the video clip to get a  little flavor of this one of a kind interactive mind reading show.

February 17, 2013 · Posted in Uncategorized  


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